Saturday, January 25, 2020

Essay --

Anna Sampson Mr. Sharbatz Sophomore English B 3 March 2014 Friendship What is true friendship? â€Å"It is putting someone else first. It is being strictly honest, loyal, and chaste in every action. Perhaps it is the word commitment that unlocks the real meaning of friendship.† (Dalton). That is the essence of a true friend, someone that is always there for you. Though friendship is not easy, it can fall apart a lot easier. Good friendships can be affected from betrayal, distance, and differences in class. Betrayal some may say is â€Å"the most devastating loss a person can experience† (Frank). Especially when it comes from someone who is special like a friend and someone who trust is embedded within.The novel The Kite Runner written by Khaled Hosseini has numerous examples of friendship issues within it. In The Kite Runner Baba and Ali are friends, but once Baba betrays Ali by sleeping with his wife their friendship suffers greatly and never quite recovers (Hosseini 222). Betrayal is something that cannot easily be recovered from, something that changes two people’s relationship forever. Ano...

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Campaign to Make Awareness About Ocean Pollution

Campaign to make awareness about ocean pollution Background The current environmental issue of ocean pollution in Dubai which is spreading rapidly due to lack of awareness. Gulf countries depend heavily on seawater desalination for drinking water. But experts warns that pollution of gulf water could soon make it impossible to treat seawater for human consumption. According to ram Prasad a oil and gas expert in Dubai claims that increasing urbanisation led to dumping of sewage, hazardous waste and toxic chemicals in to the sea (Janardhan, 2004) Target PublicOcean pollution is a sector which is not taken seriously. There is awareness’ in the government but the regulations and rules must change to reduce the impact and make the public more aware about the situation. The primary target of the campaign is to make the main governmental authorities involved in water resource management to take an action about the current ocean pollution. Getting attention of main governmental authori ties such as : * The Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries The Ministry of Electricity and Water * The General Water Resources Authority * The Federal Environmental Agency Objective The primary objective is to get the attention on governmental authorities to take the matter in to their hands by cooperating . for example oil spill is a serious issue how can they help to prevent it? What new laws could be built? Secondary objective is to make the general public aware of ocean pollution so that they won’t contribute to it. MessageThe message of the campaign would be â€Å"SAVE THE WATERS† which would influence the authorities and public to act upon it. Strategy/ channel and tactics Our stragedy of awareness is mainly based on media. Trough social networking sites to spread the message. Organising events to grab the public attention. News letters on leading newspapers such as gulf news sponsored by authorities. Timetable The time table would contain the days where campaign s will be held. Time and locations. Timetable

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

The Autobiography Of Malcolm X - 1634 Words

The Autobiography of Malcolm X was about one African Americans struggle during a time of extreme racism and discrimination to make a name for himself. Malcolm had many life experiences before tragically being shot and killed. He was a hustler in Harlem, a porter for a railroad, and was eventually a minister for the black Islam movement lead by Elijah Mahammad. Malcolm Little lived a very interesting life to become the man he will be remembered as. Right before Malcolm was born members of the KKK came to their little home in Omaha, Nebraska terrorizing his mother. But they were not just there to terrorize her because she was black it was because of who his father was. His father, Earl Little, would eventually be killed not by the clan but an equivalent group. Earl was killed because he was a preacher of Marcus Garvey’s movement of being disconnected from the white man and they thought he was causing a disturbance for the â€Å"good black people. The sad part is that no ever was convicted or even brought in for questioning because they put his body on a street car track and the police just believed it was all an accident. It would have all could have been prevented if his parents had not been in a fight about eating pork. Malcolm also had lost his mother but not by death but by the government. After his father’s death his mother slowly started to lose her mind, all she had left in her life was her pride. It took a long time until she began taking government welfare. But because ofShow MoreRelatedThe Autobiography of Malcolm X729 Words   |  3 PagesLiterary Analysis: The Autobiography of Malcolm X The Autobiography of Malcolm X, told by Alex Haley, details the incredible journey of one of the most inspiration and life altering leaders the world has ever encountered. The book begins with the illustration of Malcolm’s early life experiences and ends with X predicting that he will die a violent death prior to seeing the publication of his autobiography. At the beginning of the book, Haley describes how Malcolm’s father, a Baptist MinisterRead MoreThe Autobiography Of Malcolm X Essay1369 Words   |  6 PagesWho is Malcolm X? Answers tend to vary by person but in the â€Å"Autobiography of Malcolm X†, it really delved into the pivotal details of his life and readers like myself, went on an enthralling metaphorical journey to see the intriguing development of him as a child, a young adult, a convict, a follower, and ultimately a leader. For starters, Malcolm X was not born with the infamous and famous X. His birth name was Malcolm Little and the innocent Malcolm Little was very belittled (pun intended) inRead MoreAutobiography Of Malcolm X1614 Words   |  7 PagesKaykay Zhu October 19, 2017 The Autobiography of Malcolm X as told to Alex Haley is an account of Malcolm X’s evolving perspective on racial justice. Malcolm X was a prominent figure in the Nation of Islam who advocated for black nationalism and separatism. The man who became one of America’s most powerful voices for African Americans was deeply affected by the terrors of racism, which shaped his view of social justice and the condemnation of the white man. The way Malcolm X narrates his experiences changesRead MoreThe Autobiography Of Malcolm X Essay1152 Words   |  5 Pages1 2 THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF MALCOLM X Introduction Malcolm X?s autobiography written in collaboration with Alex Haley is an exciting story of personality transformation. During several years, Malcolm X told Haley his biography in several extensive interviews. Haley described and orchestrated the stories and Malcolm X edited and endorsed every part of the book. The story is narrated in the first person and it seems like Malcolm was writing this of hisRead MoreThe Autobiography Of Malcolm X1276 Words   |  6 PagesThe Autobiography of Malcolm X as told to Alex Haley, and Coming of Age in Mississippi by Anne Moody sheds light on how principles of ambition, pride, and faith throughout their lives paved individual paths for revolutionary success. Troubling upbringings as seen in both of their lives eventually instilled a drive that ultimately revolutionized America’s perspective of racial equality. Their worldview grows to encompass humanity as one and is developed alongside their spiritual and cultural in quiryRead MoreThe Autobiography Of Malcolm X1701 Words   |  7 Pagesread the autobiography of Malcolm X. Malcolm X was one of the most controversial Men in American history. I’m familar with the name Malcolm X however, I’m not familliar with the works and background of Malcolm X. This is why I choose to read the autobiography of Malcolm X written by himself and Alex Haley. Which gives the read an insight on his background, beliefs, and the American society then. I believe that many people including myself have misunderstood Malcolm X. I believe that Malcolm X is misunderstoodRead MoreThe Autobiography Of Malcolm X791 Words   |  4 Pageslife. Malcolm X told his life story of how he overcame in his autobiography simply called The Autobiography of Malcolm X as told to Alex Haley. His life changed the world historically, socially, and especially politically by taking a stand against racism of all kinds which still exists in today’s â€Å"modern† standar ds. Using his personal life experience with racism towards African-Americans, Malcolm spreads the word on equality for all with a realistic tone that inspires trust in him. Malcolm X reachesRead MoreThe Autobiography of Malcolm X535 Words   |  2 Pages The autobiography of Malcolm X is a book that was published in 1965. It is of result of collaboration between human rights activist Mr. Malcolm X and journalist Alex Haley. The book depicts more about Malcolm X’s life, experiences and beliefs. The book again talks about spiritual conversion narrative that outlines Malcolm Xs philosophy of black pride, Black Nationalism. Malcolm was born in May 19th 1925 in Omaha to a family of Earl and Louise Little. The book also explains to us that he inheritatedRead MoreThe Autobiography Of Malcolm X1278 Words   |  6 PagesMalcolm X, born Malcolm Little, is one of the greatest advocates for race in the nation. However, his opinion of the state of racial issues in our country, and what can be done to solve them. Trials throughout Malcolm’s life of personal opinions and events that have occurred have shaped his outlook on the issue. Alex Haley’s autobiography novel, The Autobiography of Malcolm X, reveals Malcolm’s cha nging views on the solution of race in this country through the shaping stages of experiences in hisRead MoreThe Autobiography Of Malcolm X1505 Words   |  7 PagesCritical Book Review Book review based on The Autobiography of Malcolm X Introduction: This biography of Malcolm X was a book, which had a purpose of enlightening people on how blacks were treated, it mainly focused on the life of Malcolm and how it affected his life and changed him. Malcolm X is born and raised in Omaha, Nebraska, America. A country where racism is so prevalent that his family frequently gets into a confrontation with the KKK and Black Legion society due to his father being